Feral Fix Program


Thanks to the Petco Love Foundation and MZM Foundation, we established our “Feral Fix” program to better serve our community. This program is designed to help reduce the overpopulation of stray/feral cats through TNR (trap/neuter/return). We have been awarded funding to offer a discounted price on our already low-cost spay and neuter surgeries. In order to fully eliminate the breeding cycle, ALL of the cats in the colony should be spay/neutered. Since this program launched in June 2019, we have been able to spay/neuter thousands of cats at a reduced rate! **This reduced rate is only available if we have a grant. Otherwise, it would be our standard cost.**

TNR FOR STRAY/FERAL COMMUNITY CATS: Starting October 1, 2024, we will be accepting walk-ins for TNR (stray/feral community cats) Monday-Thursday from 7:30-8:15am. Pick-up is between 2:30-4:30pm. ONE CAT PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. If you need to trap multiple TNR cats at one time, please send an email or give us a call to schedule multiple appointments in advance.

TNR pricing for spay/feral community cats is $20 (while grant funding lasts) per cat which includes: Spay/neuter, Rabies, FVRCP vaccine, and the ear-tip. To qualify for this pricing, the cat MUST receive the ear-tip. If you do not want the cat(s) to be ear-tipped, you must schedule an appointment and pay the standard pricing.

Please always double check our Facebook page for unexpected closure or changes in our schedule prior to trapping.

TRAP RENTALS: Unfortunately, we do not have the staff numbers to physically come trap the cats for you. However, this program is eligible for everyone! We offer live trap rentals for $50 per trap; which can be rented during office hours. The trap deposit is refunded to you contingent on returning the trap undamaged.

If you are caring for a colony of stay/feral cats and have additional questions about spay/neuter, please contact us through the form below.